Profiling the current income generation and livelihood situation.
Developing village specific road maps for full employment
Developing customised curriculum and delivery processes
Identifying suitable beneficiaries through Self Help Groups for participating in the livelihood skills programs
Conduct of training in various skills for women
Facilitation of placement / market linkage
Functional Vocvational training forum:
In the tsunami affected areas we gave training in alternative skills with the support of Functional Vocational training Forum in association with Caritas India. This training was conducted in Kottilpadu and Kovalm, which were the most affected villages by tsunami. We offered training to the tsunami affected people in alternative skills, 20 men and 45 women were given short term skill orientation on masonry, carpentry, fish processing and sea shell craft making for their livelihood. For this training we formed stake holders forum and this forum became the initial part of planning and implementation of the project. This helped the trainees to find their employment/ self employment
About the trainings
The training took place for 6 months. In these months we conducted one month training class on fish processing, three months training classes on masonry works, four months training class on sea shell craft maintaining, and six months training classes on carpentry works. Well talented and highly skilled trainers were appointed for giving training to the selected trainees. As the result 20 trainees were trained in Carpentry works and 15 trainees each in Masonry, Fish Processing, Sea Shell Craft makings.
Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development for Women
CADRE-India has implemented in Melpuram Block (Kanyakumari District), a trade related entrepreneurship assistance and development program for rendering selfless service for the poor people, especially women, and thereby promote their educational, cultural, moral and economic well being irrespective of caste and creed. This program is supported by the Office of Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, Govt. of India and CANARA bank. Under this program we provided loan facilities to 120 women, who completed successfully a Entrepreneurship Development Program organized by our professional team